Monday, 8 September 2014

What has been your best experience?

So far in the programme I have taken part in three webinars, three mentor meetings and the launch event of the scheme. Each and every bit has been a learning experience, where I've taken something new away, learnt new skills and been inspired, motivated to just go out and do things.

The most inspirational experience for me was the launch event, and having the opportunity to meet women who have been through the same process of university, apprenticeships, graduate programmes in STEM subjects and hear about their experiences. This is where I finally met the people behind the tweets and found out about a lot of career options I had never even considered before the event.

Each webinar sees three women in STEM speak on the chosen topic, sometimes using their own experiences and stories to get their point across. I love webinars. They are incredibly motivating and at the end you just want to go and do everything you possibly can, and having the opportunity to engage with the speakers on twitter afterwards and ask their advice or learn more about their respective companies is great and really interesting.

From this programme I have gained more independence, confidence and purpose. Walking in to a room of people you don't know in a place about as far from your comfort zone as its possible to be can be incredibly daunting, however, when its done and you make the most of the experience you just want to go out and do it all over again.

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